Worship Times
A warm welcome to join us
Prayer and worship are at the heart of our life at St Comgall's and St Conlus Churches. Everyone is welcome to our services so, whether you've been in church all your life or if it is your first time. We also live-stream many of our services and prayers - more information can be found using this link.
10:30am - St Conlus Church, Knockloughrim
12noon - St Comgall's Church, Desertmartin
Messy Church - usually Sunday afternoon, as announced.
Our two Sunday Schools meet each week on Sunday mornings and are open to all children of preschool/primary school age; we learn together through hearing bible stories, singing upbeat songs, and doing related games, crafts and activities. If you would like more information, please get in touch.
11am - A Service of Holy Communion with Prayers for Healing at St Comgall's, Desertmartin (currently suspended due to Covid-19)
Holy Days & Saint Days
In the calendar of the Church, we commemorate important Christian figures (saints) and events in the history of the Church, such as St Patrick. These Holy Days fall on the same date each year, but the day of the week changes from year to year. We usually celebrate these days on the nearest Sunday or Wednesday, but occasionally we may arrange an additional service, and we encourage you to join us.
Other Services
Throughout the year, we also hold a number of special services to celebrate special events in the Christian year, especially during Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas. Details of these services are always advertised.
We regularly post/email out parish news and updates to all the homes registered on our parish database. If you have not been receiving these updates and you should have been or would like to join our parish, please get in touch, and we will update our records.